The MPI Pitfall: How to Use MPI for Distributed Systems Research?

MPI is my desired (and recommended) tool for programming a distributed system. Compared with socket programming, or even ZeroMQ, MPI avoids the burden of manually maintaining communication processes and taking care of low-level details like port numbers. MPI is also mature and native performance is guaranteed.

However, I find two key pitfalls of MPI that may discourage new comers from using MPI to develop a big system: (1) MPI_Alltoall(v) does not scale with the number of processes (tested on both MPICH and Open MPI), though the reason is not clear. Never use MPI_Alltoall(v), and if you need it, implement one of your own like in my Pregel+ code. (2) If you have mutiple threads in a process communicating, you should use MPI_Init_thread to initiate your process, and never use collective communication primitives since they do not admit an MPI "tag" (indicating an independent communication channel) and may interfere with your point-to-point communication! If you need it, implement your own version using point-to-point communication primitives with your self-managed "tag". BTW, I really think collective communication primitives should take a tag, and this is a flaw of MPI standard that may not be able to evolve... the community was not taking multithreading into consideration at the beginning.

With the above two pitfalls in mind, you will be able to avoid them (and frustration) and freely use MPI for developing big distributed systems! Two tips: (1) fine-grained multithreading in a process is very useful, and you should definitely learning C++11 multithreading concepts like std::thread, std::mutex, std::condition_variable, std::atomic, and even lambda function; (2) MPI does not provide a mechanism for interruption, so to avoid busy waiting, you have to use nonblocking promitives (e.g., MPI_Isend + MPI_Test) and if there is nothing to do, call sleep/usleep to sleep for a short amount of (polling) time like 100ns to avoid 100% CPU occupation.

Now, you are ready to use MPI to develop whatever distributed systems in your mind :-), note that you can still benefit from Hadoop Ecosystem since libhdfs provides a C API to HDFS (storage layer), and your computation engine can enjoy the native performance of C/C++ without a virtual machine (required by Java, Scala, etc.). Enjoy the faster IO, smaller memory footprint of C/C++ if you are good at it ^_^